The OXYNET Website was set up in 1998 as a result
of a large-scale multinational (European Commission funded) project
by HBO specialists in Europe. In 2005, it has been co-opted by the European
Committee for Hyperbaric Medicine (ECHM), and the information on HBO
provided on this website has been integrated in the scope of ECHM's
objectives. Although some essential information remains hosted on the
OXYNET website (as a tribute to the first large-scale HBO-communtiy
collaboration), much more essential information is available at the
ECHM site, www.echm.org.
We therefore strongly recommend to bookmark the ECHM site (also) as
reference site for obtaining professional information on Hyperbaric
Oxygen Therapy.
is HBO ?
(Information about Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy) |
B14 "HBO Therapy"
(What is the COST B14 Action ?) |
(List of HBO Centers in Europe) |
(Current research projects proposed by the COST B14 Action)
This site has been set up with the support of
the European Commission, under the COST (Cooperation in Science and
Technology) Programme. It
is part of COST Action B14 : Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.
It is a
European "Portal Site" for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: on this
site you will find all possible links and useful information in relation
to HBO.
questions or remarks or to submitting new info, please send mail to the
website administrator: office@echm.org
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Last update: April 1, 2015 - Copyright 2002 Oxynet - ECHM